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compulsive personality disordersの例文


  • Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is linked with more severe symptomatology and worse prognosis.
  • In his mannerisms, Sheldon also shows symptoms associated with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.
  • As a personality trait, scrupulosity is a recognized diagnostic criterion for obsessive compulsive personality disorder.
  • Some severe cases of micromanagement arise from other underlying mental-health conditions such as obsessive compulsive personality disorder.
  • In obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, this feeling occurs only after endless deliberation and revision, if at all.
  • She previously lived and rambled in Barnstaple and appears to perhaps be autistic and have an obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.
  • It comes under the diagnosis obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, an obscure cousin of the more famous obsessive-compulsive disorder.
  • While the writers have shied away from an official diagnosis, the character is recognised as suffering from obsessive compulsive personality disorder.
  • While Raja is diagnosed with Intermittent Explosive Disorder due to his sudden anger at the slightest provocation, Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder.
  • Richardson has obsessive compulsive personality disorder, which was the subject of his Edinburgh Festival Fringe show " Spatula Pad ".
  • He seems to suffer from Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder and has some anger management problems, for which he attends a support group.
  • An illustration of the differences between an egodystonic and egosyntonic mental disorder is in comparing obsessive-compulsive disorder and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.
  • He suffers from obsessive compulsive personality disorder and insists that his men execute his plans according to timetables that schedule each step down to the second.
  • In one study, those patients that were examined psychologically had symptoms of anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, or somatoform disorder.
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder ( OCD ) and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder ( OCPD ) are highly comorbid with AN, particularly the restrictive subtype.
  • Sheldon refrains from any form of physical contact if possible and exhibits a strict adherence to routines to the point of exhibiting signs of obsessive compulsive personality disorder.
  • In contrast, obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is egosyntonic, as the patient generally perceives their obsession with orderliness, perfectionism, and control, as reasonable and even desirable.
  • But the DSM's diagnostic criteria also suggest that the fretful workaholic with that desktop Snoopy figurine collection may require treatment for Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder ( 301.4 ):
  • AS is associated with tics, Tourette syndrome, and bipolar disorder, and the repetitive behaviors of AS have many similarities with the symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder and obsessive compulsive personality disorder.
  • Conceptual formulations and intervention strategies currently exist for schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, mania, paranoia, bulimia, suicide, obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, histrionic personality, impulsive styles, and the paraphilias.
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